2 Rushes for flute and piano (2009)
Works for learning
(level end of cycle 1 and end of cycle 2) - Duration: 1'45 and 3'30
Editions Francois Dhalmann
On the sidelines of Aura, a work for flute and piano intended for professionals (or students at the end of cycle 3), a few " rushes " have been left out of the time of assembly. Like the bonus features of a film, some of these have become two simpler little works for learning the flute.
Unlike educational works, they are true concert works in the formal sense of the term. It's my music, but simplified in order to be more easily playable : the writing does not yield to ease of use when writing for students. A great requirement is required here and the instrumentalists will have to take care to play very precisely what is noted on the score, in the smallest detail, without adding anything, and this, with sensitivity.