Chants nus Five poems by Claude-Henry du Bord for soprano voice and piano (2002)
Creation of the final version on January 19, 2006 at the Halle Saint Pierre (Paris) by Nathalie Pannier, voice and Carine Zarifian, piano.
Duration: approx. 17'15 - Delatour Editions
The five chosen poems are taken from the collection Chants nus that the poet Claude-Henry du Bord completed in 1999.
In the Middle Ages, Chants nus designated often erotic love letters, celebrating the virtues of carnal love and the eternity of human desire. Héloïse wrote some moving ones to Abelard. In this spirit, Claude-Henry du Bord composed a cycle of 50 poems “to the glory of the radiant couple” and “glorifies the presence and abandonment of women, the keystone of the visible world”.
The musical cycle is made up of six parts: the first poem, taken up in conclusion, is treated differently from the first time.
The same motifs are recurrent throughout the work, although each part is based and develops on a motif of its own. The return of the same motif under different words underlines a direct or hidden correspondence between the various moments of the poems.
This cycle forming an autonomous and coherent whole, it is desirable to give it in its entirety. However, it is possible to sing each poem separately or to choose only some of them.
A cycle for bass voice and piano called Your body forever is composed on 5 other poems from the same collection.
1° What if love (approx. 2'30)
2° Under lightning (approx. 3'30)
3° On a green carpet (approx. 2'45)
4° Dream without continuation (approx. 3'40)
5° Through the window (approx. 3'30)
6° What if love (approx. 1'30)