Keep on going ? (2010)
for children's choir (in schools)
and undetermined instruments (in kind and in number: from 3 to 7/8)
Based on A Puppet Story by Iris de Vienne
Order of the Festival the voices of the priory within the framework " Les Vagues Vocales "
Created on May 28, 2011 - Eglise Saint Laurent - Le Bourget-du-Lac.
Duration : approx. 7' - François Dhalmann Editions
Aimed at two classes of CM1 and CM2 (about fifty children in school), the objective of this work is to allow children to meet a composer and professional musicians and enhance their personal investment by participating in an event. professional, the Festival the voices of the priory within the framework " Les Vagues Vocales ". In addition to singing and speaking, the work allows them to discover a contemporary language calling on bodily movements and stage gestures.
This small work is therefore intended to be as complete as possible. Rather than writing songs, which is very good and very formative, I preferred to orient the project on an artistic situation involving several modes of expression.
The chosen story was written by a 16-year-old girl. In keeping with its two-part structure, a narrator narrates it at the beginning and at the end of the work. If the theme may recall the adventures of Pinocchio, it is nevertheless very different in its psychological implications. His words, his characters and his situations are therefore at the source of the nature of musical moments. It's not strictly speaking a musical setting.
This work is intended as a reflection on passage, decision-making. The title reflects this : continue? -in English but also in Franglais !- it is the decision to stop or continue that is displayed on the screen after losing a video game game.
Without judgment on my part, I have musically confronted and juxtaposed two universes : that of childhood, dreams, stories, feelings (not necessarily joyful) and that of adolescence ( or preadolescent) totally playful, playful, excited, characterized by rapid exchanges (this does not mean that the converse does not exist). The universe of melody and song is put into perspective with the ringtones of mobile phones and those of video game music/jingles with hyper synthetic sounds (8-bit). These short musical fragments are often variants of songs or rewritten traditional music (for example one of the music of Tetris is none other than the famous Russian song Kalinka and that of Super Mario, a Hawaiian music ).
Vienna iris
Once upon a time there was a very famous puppeteer. He made his own puppets. They were of all kinds and shapes. One day, tired of the perfection of his lifeless puppets, he decided to create automatons. More and more complicated, more and more beautiful, these real works attracted the whole world to his little shop. But he was still sad because he lacked what he had always lacked, friendship. So he made the most extraordinary of all his automatons, a young man of exceptional beauty. The automaton had become the joy of the puppeteer. He exhibited it, showed it to whoever wanted to and proudly explained the complicated mechanisms. Although he himself could turn the key allowing him to live, the automaton was nevertheless only a mechanism. He couldn't have any feelings, he couldn't love. Once again tired, the puppeteer abandoned this companion whom he believed to be soulless. In his loneliness, the automaton began to experience feelings and out of sadness, over time, stopped turning his key. Little by little, he disappeared from the memory of men, just like this fabulous puppeteer.
Once upon a time there was a child curious about everything. He wanted to open a door that intrigued him, that of his attic. Condemned, she taunted him ! The day when he finally succeeded in opening it, he found the automaton, a young man of eternal beauty, of eternal youth. A key lay beside him. Very happy, he put the key in the automaton and turned it… This one no longer worked.