Dyad for violin and cello (2004)
Dedicated to Jacques and Nicolas Saint-Yves for the 1st piece, Noémi Schindler and Christophe Roy for the 2nd piece.
Creations on June 29 and 30, 2004 at the Cabaret les 7 Lézards in Paris for the 1st play and on June 4, 2005 at the Dunois theater in Paris for the entire work.
Duration: approx. 8' (3'+5'). Editions Francois Dhalmann
A dyad is a couple of two complementary principles.
This work, imbued with a deep melancholic poetry, sometimes joyful, sometimes dark, is a reflection of the duality represented by the association of these 2 instruments.
The form is the reflection of this duality and of what founds my writing: any element, even the smallest, can become a motif and serve as a basis for variants/variations, thus abolishing any notion of theme or constitutive referent motif; we pass from one motive to another without ever staying there.
The duality being the fundamental principle of this composition, I played on a system of antitheses and analogies, as much with regard to the form as with regard to the writing itself: symmetry/dissymmetry, amputation /extension, juxtaposition/mixtures, stable/unstable, sound/silence… the two instruments can be in total opposition or in total symbiosis.
The indications of interpretations (articulations, nuances, timbres…) are notated with a great diversity and require an exact precision of execution to the interpreters.
In this spirit, the 1st piece, quite lively, is characterized by a great constantly sustained energy and the very rapid juxtaposition of the motifs which constitute it, while the 2nd piece is a kind of slow movement with underlying tension, where moreover or smaller areas of calm - play of colors and harmonies - are interspersed with dazzling interventions, reminiscent of the 1st movement.