Unstable (2010)
for solo trombone
For Benny Sluchin
Premiered on January 22, 2012 during the 7th edition of Behind the Scenes in the Stars at the CRD de Levallois
Editions Francois Dhalmann . Length: 7'/8'.
Unstable is a kind of lively and light fantasy, with a very contrasting character. By treating the trombone like wood, I exploit its tender and delicate sounds, without neglecting its power.
Unstable? Because the emission of the trombone is fragile and contributes to its sensitivity.
Unstable? Because it is a characteristic of my writing. Nothing ever stays in place: the various points of stability never really stay in place for very long. Neither the instrumentalist nor the listener have the time to really settle into a moment without a new element of contrast coming to relaunch the listening. The performer must be constantly on the alert while the listener oscillates between listening globally or listening to detail. The form is ensured by the return of the same constantly varied motifs. Sort of signature of the work, an element of suspension/breakage, creating a constant instability.

Slap (2010)
Editions Francois Dhalmann
In addition to my work for solo trombone Instable , I wanted to give apprentice musicians a short work in the formal sense of the term.
Slap is my music, but simplified in order to be playable more easily. Writing in no way yields to ease of use as soon as one writes for students. A certain number of less conventional techniques are employed here, including the slap which gave the title of the work.
A great requirement is required. The instrumentalists will have to take care to play with sensitivity and very precisely what is noted on the score, in the smallest detail, without adding anything.