Dedicated to Tran Ngoc Nguyen Trinh and Pham Vu Thien Bao
Duration: about 12'
This work, dedicated to the Vietnamese pianist Nguyen and the violist Pham Vu Thien Bao, was written to thank Trinh Tran for his "out of the ordinary" investment for the creation of my Lyric Poem Kim Vân Kiêu in its version for 5 voices, narrator and piano (created in Paris in December 2017).
Beyond the reference to the couple that these instrumentalists form, the title carries in itself an aesthetic project: how to translate what is intimate, tender, tiny, sensitive, the emotion "on edge", the relationship between the beings, made of fragments of memory, convergences and divergences.
This fairly refined and simple music, with a light, if not cheerful character, should be played with precision and finesse. The shape is made up of various patterns with very different characters that follow one another quickly, intertwine and exchange their characteristics. Instrumentalists will have to take care to search in the smallest details, the sound colors, articulations, nuances, etc. as diverse as possible and change game modes instantly as soon as a new indication is given.
Although the work is to be played without interruption, in a study setting, each part can be played alone. The central part (written in 2001) is published separately in its version for solo viola under the title Sketch.