Dots, lines, space for 2 flutes in C and 2 Eb saxophones
Work for learning. End of cycle level I
Commissioned by the conservatory of Saint Michel sur Orge as part of the composer residency 2014/2015
Duration: ca 2'30 - Editions François Dhalmann
The objective of this short work is to provide young students with writing " sur mesure " to lead them to ask questions about what the basics of composition.
The title is an allusion to the titles of exercises by Kandinsky or Klee.
Written with a minimum of basic elements, this work answers the question : what to do with the few elements that are, sound impacts (points) and held (lines) in constantly renewed poetic space ?
As always in my didactic works, the music goes beyond the subject. This poetic miniature is in no way educational music : it is my real writing, but " simplifiée " in order to put it within reach of students.
It is a true concert work. We find there what makes the characteristic of my writing : fragments with well differentiated characters, constant energy, various modes of play, form in " spirale_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_” (each pattern is constantly recurring but varied).