Signal for solo Bb clarinet (1996)
Created at the CNR of Poitier on March 18, 1998 by Louis-Vincent Bruère, dedicatee.
Duration : 9'. Editions Lemoine
Originally, the signal is the one we hear on FM 87.50 Mhz : perfectly repetitive and haunting…
The writing of this work answers this unique question :
" How and with what instrument to make musical, that is to say poetic, what is rigid, cold and mechanical, while keeping the implacable character of what is repeated and which precisely draws its interest from this peculiarity ”?
Thus, over the course of the work, time leaves its mark in a soothing, sensitive, deep poetry, like a Japanese garden which, beyond a certain coldness, if not a hardness, calls for rest and silence.
Only the clarinet – an ambivalent instrument by nature – seemed appropriate to me for this project.